Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Purple Monster

Tonight when I was putting Ashlyn to bed she said that our dog Nike told her that there was a purple monster living in the back yard. I asked Ashlyn how Nike told her this. I asked if Nike talked to her. She said, "No mommy, Nike didn't tell it to me, she woofed it to me!" We should have never let her watch Monsters Inc!


Clayton and Camea said...

That's so funny! Awww the imaginations of the little ones. Sometimes Evelyn comes up with the craziest things too!

The Barton Family said...

Nice!! I thought I heard Nike trying to tell me something the other day...maybe you should believe her!

Joshua and Joy said...

I love it! We all had a good laugh here. I hope the purple monster doesn't want to take up residence in our backyard.