Monday, May 4, 2009

I have a JOB!

I had one of my finals today and then decided to walk over to University Hospital to check on the status of my application. I had applied over a month ago for a few jobs and had never heard back on any of them. I really wanted to work at University because it is where I did most of my clinicals and I love their computer system. It is also a teaching hospital so it is a great place to start out. I talked to the nurse recruiter and she said that the areas I applied to either didn't hire new graduates or had already been filled. She asked if I would be interested in any other areas and I said I wasn't too picky. She said that there was an opening on the medical floor and she would see if she could schedule an interview for me. She had me wait in the lobby for a few minutes and when she came back she told me that I could do an interview right then. I had jeans, a t-shirt, and flip-flops on. I pointed this fact out and she said that they were pretty laid back. So I decided what the heck and went for it. I was offered the job on the spot and now I can cross getting a job off my to-do list! I never dreamed it would be so easy. I only have one more final to go and I am done with school! I am so ready to celebrate!


Brenda said...

Good for you Julie. You have worked so hard for this. I am happy for you. You are going to be the best nurse ever. Are you sending out announcements or anything? if so we would like one.

Xoxo Grandma said...

Fabulous news, schooling is over & a new job right where you wanted. You are amazing! Way to go Julie!

(Make sure your Mom gives you the little surprise I sent with her) & just wait until you see the shower your Dad put in for's so beautiful!

Joshua and Joy said...

Congratulations Jewels! I'm really happy that you were blessed to be handed this job so easily. Love you! Can't wait to see you in June!

Heather Hill said...

That is an awesome story. Someone must be watching out for you to have a job fall in your lap like that. Congratulations!!!

Amy Lovell said...

Wow...nice job! Finding a job is never fun, so way to practically have one handed to you!

Clayton and Camea said...

Hurrah for Jobs! Good going! I think it's super fun that you were wearing flip-flops and jeans for your interview.