Friday, July 25, 2008

My trip to Guatemala

While we were in Antigua I got to go zip-lining through the jungle.
Here I am at the mayan ruins of Tikal. It rained the whole time we were there. It was the rainy season in Guatemala, so it rained everyday we were there.
Here I am assisting with a C-section. This was the highlight of my trip.

Here I am with the baby I helped deliver.
Here is the hospital where we stayed for the week we were in Uspantan.
These kids wanted me to take their picture. All the kids love getting there pictures taken. This is very typical for you to see the older sisters carrying around the babies.

Here I am with my room mate Kathleen.
This picture was taken on our drive from Guatemala City to Uspantan. There are so many mountains in Guatemala!
Here I am holding up a uterus just because I can!!!
Julie the giantess. Guatemalas are such tiny people!
The gates in front of the hospital. People line up and have to wait to be seen. There was always a big crowd out front.
I recently went on a medical mission trip to Guatemala. I was there from the 12th of July through the 23rd of July. We flew into Guatemala City and then drove 8 hours to Uspantan, which is where we worked. I mostly worked in the postop area, but got to go into the O.R. a couple of times. The last three days we stayed in Antigua. I did a side trip up to Tikal. It was really amazing. I definately plan on doing more mission trips in the future. It was such a humbling experience.


Joshua and Joy said...

Wow, looks like an amazing trip. I think that you should have put a disclaimer on top...something warning about the blood content in the pictures. It must have been neat to help deliver a baby. Ziplining huh? Looks both fun and scary. Thanks for finally posting your pictures. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Joshua and Joy said...

Oh yeah, I wanted to comment on the rain. It hasn't rained in Oregon in weeks...well it did rain once during the night a few weeks ago. It's funny that your trip to Guatemala would be during the rainy season.

Clayton and Camea said...

I agree with Joy about the amazing trip part, but you know me...I like blood, that's so cool! I bet it was awesome delivering a baby and I love that you said you were holding a uterus just because you could...It's crazy how tiny they are and how BIG they can get (proof in my stomach at the moment..I'm a beast or perhaps Stella's a beast) You look so tall! What a trip! I'm so jealous. Have fun in Oregon! How long will you be there and are you still planning on going to the family reunion??

Monique Jensen said...

Wow! Julie--those pics say a lot about how much you enjoyed your trip! Can't wait to see your scrapbook! Lookin' forward to you coming home and hangin' & scrappin' with us!

Tony, Natalie, Madison, Steven said...

That is amazing! Thank you for getting in touch with me. I'm glad my mom gave you my blog info. I didn't even know you were a doctor! That is wonderful that you were able to help the people in Guatamala! Keep in touch.

Tiffani said...

Your trip looks like so much fun! Hope you are having a fun vacation! We will see ya in a few weeks!